Kudos to LG for Offering Customers Free Kannuu Search App


LG is working mightily to create the simplest, most intuitive user experience possible — as it concurrently builds out a sophisticated smart TV platform, robust cloud offering and stellar line up of Smart TV models for 2013.

LG’s focus on the customer experience is both commendable and smart. In today’s market of smart TV saturation and exploding video content, whichever provider offers the best interface for consolidated search and discovery across multiple video services will own the customer — and a healthy cut of all revenue opportunities associated with that privileged relationship.

Now — with the free availability of the Kannuu Search and Discovery app for smart TV — LG is poised for sustainable, competitive differentiation, stronger customer loyalty and increased revenue.

Smart TV customers welcome the great compliment of video services available on today’s smart TVs — providing they can quickly and easily search across multiple video services at once.

Kannuu makes this possible for all LG Smart TV customers (’09 – ’13 models) in the US.

Check out LG SmartTV lineup for 2013

Check out Kannuu LG Smart TV demo

Download FREE Kannuu Search App for LG SmartTVs
